New Orleans Food Adventure – Day 2

Last week I skipped some stuff cause I was short on time, but I wanted to make sure I definitely included a Bokeh Picture of the Week this week:

Bokeh Picture of the Week

Just making herself home at FNSC!


Now to start Day 2 of my food adventures in New Orleans. I didn’t eat anything for breakfast. Tony and I went to an Italian place across the street from the Convention Center for lunch. Then I went out to eat with Kim, Gina, and Michelle for supper. Then Gina, Michelle, and I ended up at Cafe du Monde for beignets.

Here are the pictures:

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2
It was pretty good pizza!

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2
Cost: $26.36

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2
Kim packed some pretty good snacks this year.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2
I went with the Catfish Napoleon for supper.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2
Brussel sprouts!

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2
It was an okay meal.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2
And it cost me nothing. So there is that.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2
I also freeloaded here.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2
An okay chocolate milk.

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2
So much powdered sugar!

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2

New Orleans Food Adventure - Day 2

All in all, it was another pretty good day of eating!

Last week I didn’t report on my quest to live healthier. The last two weeks have went okay, but I’ve been really bad a tracking things, so it is sufficient to say for now, things are still trending well. I just need to get back at tracking and I need to get back to walking more!

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