Miss Daniels, Since Archaeopteryx

After I photographed the Hindu Temple and the mosque, I cruised down by the Saylorville spillway to see if there was any bird action going on down there. And there definitely was plenty of bird action going on down there. So I stopped and took some photos.

Have a looksie:

Saylorville Birds

Saylorville Birds

Saylorville Birds

Saylorville Birds

Saylorville Birds

Saylorville Birds

Saylorville Birds

Saylorville Birds

Saylorville Birds

Saylorville Birds

Saylorville Birds

Saylorville Birds

Saylorville Birds

Saylorville Birds

Saylorville Birds

Saylorville Birds

Saylorville Birds

Saylorville Birds

Saylorville Birds

Saylorville Birds

Saylorville Birds

Saylorville Birds

Saylorville Birds

Saylorville Birds

Saylorville Birds

Saylorville Birds

Saylorville Birds

I bet that spillway is just pouring out the water right now, as compared to what it was back in October.

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